During our ongoing collaboration with the LGBT+ sports club Leinebagger e.V. and the LGBT+ association Lesben- und Schwulen Verband Niedersachsen-Bremen (LSVD), we established the Hanoverian sports alliance called „FarbenSpiel“. As of now, it includes 17 alliance partners of sports clubs, federations, event organizers, organizations and further institutions located in the city or region of Hanover, that all focus on sports and sports management.
FarbenSpiel allience was established to fight discriminiation of queer* people in sports. FarbenSpiel defends a fundamental value in our society - that no person is to be discriminiated against because of their sexual oientation.

The University Sports Department of Leibniz University is a member of the German University Sports Association (adh). The adh is the umbrella organization for all University Sports Departments in Germany. adh counts more than 190 Universities with 2.4 million students and 550.000 employees among its members.
Apart from lobbying for its members interestsm adh focuses on national and international competitions, as well as qualifications and knowledge management.

All inclusive: Buddy Project for an inclusive & accessible SportCAMPUS was established in the course the shared initiative „Bewegt studieren – Studieren bewegt!“ of Techniker Krankenkasse and adh. This initiative provides support for exercise promotion programs for university students. Thanks to initial financial support of Techniker Krankenkasse, we were able to successfully launch Buddy Project.
A second project in student health management will be realized through the shared initiative "Bewegt studieren - Studieren bewegt 2.0!"of TK and adh: StUDIfit. The project aims to implement low-threshold motivation to get students moving during academic routine.